Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Further Peavey Artist Notes.

After I'd gotten the dodgy tube socket thing sorted out, I started looking around for a DIN plug foot switch and didn't find one but I did find out something rather interesting.

The footswitch controls the reverb and the "automix" feature and thereby hangs a tale.

There are two channels, the bright and the normal. The bright has one input and the normal channel has two. In addition there is the automix jack. What I found out was that the automix feature uses one preamp channel to overdrive the other. Not my cup of tea, thanks,

But what I did find is that you can jumper the channels and get a lot more chunky clean tone than you can get out of either channel. It's a simple matter of running a jumper cable between input two of the normal channel and the single bright channel input.

Then, you can plug your guitar into the number one input of the normal channel and be happy.

A simple on-off foot switch may be just the thing to turn the reverb on and off, too.

UPDATE: I located an earlier Artist 240 which is the earlier version and...yep...I bought it, only this one has a 15" JBL. For a mere $200 which is nearly what the speaker's worth if it survives the trip.

Folks, these amps are the greatest thing since sliced bread and one hell of a bargain.

Should be here later this week. Film at 11 as they say.

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